Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to speak at a conference

A former colleague of mine recently described the steps to speak at a conference as:

* Write a proposal and (optionally) a talk outline.
* Get accepted by the conference organisers.
* Write the talk.
* Deliver the talk.


This is not wrong, by the way.

But... how do you get accepted? I'm sorry, but I don't have any great advice here, but I can tell you what little I know from my limited experience.

First, and very important thing to keep in mind: You're not being rejected, you're just not being accepted. Not being accepted means that competition is fierce, and other talks, on your chosen topic, were deemed more interesting than yours, or that your chosen topic did not quite match the conference. Not being accepted doesn't mean you suck. It means other talks were considered more interesting, and there's no shame in that. It obviously doesn't feel good if your proposal wasn't accepted, but keep at it, refine your proposal, and try again. Maybe with the same topic from another angle, or perhaps another topic, perhaps another conference?

Mind that not all conferences are alike, so there are differences, but the broad pictures is likely more or less the same.

Let's start with two examples.

First the abstract. This is what the committee decides from, and also what's visible to the attendees to the conference. The first example (so far two Nay and no Yay):

The Curiously Recurring Coupled Types Pattern.
Why can pointers be subtracted but not added? What do raw C pointers, STL
iterators, std::chrono types, and 2D/3D geometric primitives have in
common? In this talk we will present some curiously coupled data types that
frequently occur in your programs, together forming notions that you are
already intuitively familiar with. We will shine a light on the
mathematical notion of Affine Spaces, and how they guide stronger design.
We will review the properties of affine spaces and show how they improve
program semantics, stronger type safety and compile time enforcement of
these semantics. By showing motivational examples, we will introduce you to
the mathematical notion of affine spaces. The main focus will then be on
how affine space types and their well defined semantics shape expressive
APIs. We will give examples and guidelines for creating your own affine

And the accompanying outline, as envisioned by the time of the submission. This outline is preliminary, and you won't be held accountable for it. It's an aid for the conference committee to decide. The conference committee knows that the talk is not written yet; that this is an idea for a talk. I find that writing the outline also helps with figuring out a structure for the talk:
Show familiar examples of situations of affine space semantics - pointer
arithmetic - iterators - chrono - coordinate systems 

  • Mathematical definitions/properties 
  • Describe properties of affine space types - operators and relations - [show a Concept for affine space types, tbd] 
  • Show how to write a simple affine space strong type template. 
  • Parallels to unit systems

Here's the abstract for another talk that was accepted:

Programming with Contracts in C++20 
Design by Contract is a technique to clearly express which parts of a
program has which responsibilities. In the case of bugs, contracts can
mercilessly point a finger at the part that violated the contract.
Contracts are coming as a language feature in C++20. I will show how they
can make your interfaces clearer with regards to use, but also point out
pitfalls and oddities in how contracts are handled in C++. Writing good
contracts can be difficult. I intend to give you guidance in how to think
when formulating contracts, and how to design your interfaces such that
good contracts can be written, because contracts have effects on interface
design. Warning: Parts of the contents are personal opinion.

and its outline:

Brief intro to the ideas behind Design by Contract Show what the current
draft standard supports, including strengths, weaknesses and missing
features. Propose rules of thumb for "best practices" with contracts in
C++20. Show some gotchas to look out for.
Is there a take away message from this?

I think there are two take away messages.

  1. It pays to think about how you want your talk to look like in the conference programme. This is difficult, and (at least for me) takes a disproportionate amount of time. It's only 100 or so words, after all, but expressing an idea very briefly is very hard.
  2. It also takes luck. It's not your fault if you're not lucky. A talk one conference didn't accept, another one might, and vice versa. Keep trying (and if not offered, ask for why the proposal wasn't accepted - chances are there's valuable information there.)
If you get email saying your talk has been accepted, then congratulations, it is time for the big work to begin. Think about how you best get your ideas across. Who is your audience? How knowledgeable are they about your topic? Watch a number of presentations you have liked, and study how the presenter does it. There are many different techniques. Shamelessly steal techniques you think works well, and note what's problematic so that you can avoid it. Writing the presentation material does (for me) take a huge amount of time, and I keep revisiting it over and over, polishing for better narrative, fixing bugs, improving visual style. One difficult thing to estimate is how long it takes to deliver the talk. Aim for filling your slot reasonably well. It's not nice to overshoot, but it's also rude to your audience and the conference organiser if you use up considerably less time than has been set aside for you. The only way to learn how long it takes is to do it (after you have done it a few times, you get a feel for your slide-rate, but for your first talk, you obviously have no idea.) Dry run the talk for yourself. Leave space for audience interaction. Practice on your colleagues. If it's a conference talk, try do do a practice run for your local user group. Solicit feedback, and improve your presentation even more. Some speakers like to rehearse the talk very much, others prefer to improvise more. Find out what works for you.

And, finally... you have things to say. You have experiences that are worth sharing. Your experiences will valuable to others, but only if you share them. Speaking at conferences or local user groups isn't the only way to share experiences, but don't dismiss it, OK?

Share your experiences.

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